Archive - Author: Sebastian

Just another Atlantic Round Trip?

Sebastian 23 Mar , 2023 0 Comments Blog

After abandoning the idea of doing the OGR in 2023 and postponing it to the next edition, we decided to give another Atlantic Round Trip a go in 2023-2024. The setup is pretty much the same as before, starting in Helsinki and slowly making our way south to Portugal and The Canaries before the weather […]

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Greetings from the other side of the pond

Sebastian 28 Jan , 2022 0 Comments Blog

Greetings from a sunny Caribbean! We have come half way on our Atlantic Round and despite minor problems along the way, we have had a blast. The whole trip started early in September from Helsinki and my doubts about leaving late became horribly true. During the first two three days we got a fresh reminder […]

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Reverse, re-package, re-launch

Sebastian 06 Oct , 2020 0 Comments Blog

Whe people make plans, gods laugh, they say. The total makeover for many a plan, concerning travel, has forced us to postpone our Atlantic Roundtrip with a year. Luckily the damage came to a minimum with most crew understanding the causes and reasoning. In the end it was an easy decision, just going through all […]

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Atlantic Round 2020 – 2021

Sebastian 07 Jan , 2020 0 Comments Blog

We wish everyone a Happy New Year and the beginning of a new season, that usually starts with planning upcoming adventures, be that with a boat of your own or on a chartered one .. or any other of many forms of getting on a boat! This year we are headed out on the Atlantic […]

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Season in full swing

Sebastian 17 Jun , 2019 0 Comments Blog

As weather improves we slowly glide into full summer in the north. We have already done a few regattas and some leisure sailing both to Estonia and along the Finnish coast admiring some beautiful sights as well as untouched nature in the Finnish archipelago. We are slowly gaining momentum for 2020 and ARC plus all […]

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Season 2019

Sebastian 10 Jan , 2019 0 Comments Blog

Looking out of the window on a snowy landscape doesn’t suggest we are in the beginning of a new season, however, also knowing the rapid passing of time, the longer days and the anticipation to get out on the water tells us that the sailing season of 2019 is not that far away. This year […]

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Welcome to our new homepage

Sebastian 10 Apr , 2018 0 Comments Blog

Welcome to our new homepage! We finally got our thumbs out of our behinds and created a 2018 edition to replace our old page. It’s also the beginning for some new stuff we put out, as the SOC Sailing Academy and a return to doing deliveries. The yacht management bit is something we don’t really […]

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