Your next sailing adventure is just a few clicks away

Upcoming events

Southern Ocean Company Swan 51 "Eira"

Southern Ocean Company started as a delivery and yacht management operation in 2009. A year later SOC acquired the ocean going vessel Swan 51 Eira.

In 2016 was the start of the SOC Sailing Academy, which offers sail training with a practical approach. With clients from all over the world, we have developed a sense of understanding what works and have a good view in to peoples demands for sail training.

Every year we offer a variety of sailing experiences. It can be a relaxing vacation in the sun, a transatlantic sailing voyage or a full out sail racing event. You can join us as an individual or as a group. If you like adventures at sea, meeting people and being in tune with nature this is probably something for you!

Twice a year we cross the Atlantic. in 2024 and 2025 we are participating in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers, commonly known as the ARC. This is our sixth and seventh time around and we are really looking forward to get use of all our knowledge and new kit on the boat.

The years 2024 and 2025 bring about lots of racing like the Rolex Fastnet Race and the necessary qualifying race, the Caribbean 600. Together they present a delicate taste of top notch sailing. 2025 is also “an ARC year" with a race across the pond to the Caribbean.

Our Sailing Academy is up and running and every year we offer an sail training event in the Canaries in November.

We also offer several models for companies to choose from, depending on their appetite for evolving through adventure or more sophisticated programs. 

In winter we also offer cruising in the Caribbean and during summer months in Southern Europe.

Check out our events section to read more about trips for 2024 and 2025



We wish everyone fair winds and hope to see you soon.

Events for groups and companies

Check out our event formats for groups and companies. We have everything you need for a full day out or just a few recreational hours. It can be everything from a nice evening cruise around beautiful Helsinki to an adrenaline-pumping match racing event or a water based in depth analysis of your working environment.

More detailed info can be found here.

Basic Package

Swan 51 Challenge

Team Strategy Challenge

Week Charter

Are you planning a longer vacation? Do you need an excellent boat and someone to guide you through the sweet spots in the Northern Baltic? We possess a solid knowledge of the area and can put together an itinerary that suits every taste. The winter 2023 – 2024 you are able to sail the Caribbean, join us for a trip of a lifetime.

More detailed info can be found here.

SOC Sailing Academy

Do you feel like honing your skills? Are you looking for some practical experience in boat handling? We arrange training events and own boat tutoring for both beginners and more seasoned sailors.

More detailed info can be found here.

Practical Navigation and Offshore Course Finland

Practical Navigation and Boat-Handling Course The Canaries


For many people purchasing a yacht is one of the big decisions in life and we fully understand and share your concerns. If you already have a yacht – start a new chapter in yacht ownership and let us worry about logistics. 

If you are cruising the Baltic and don't want to sail back the same season but continue for another summer we offer winter storage and maintenance packages. Enjoy the unique Finnish craftsmanship and do all necessary upgrades during haul-out.

More detailed info can be found here.

On The Horizon

Our “On The Horizon” page gives a sneak peek into upcoming events. In our busy times we sometimes have to be able to plan vacations and schedule well in advance. At an early stage you can even influence the actual events together with us. If you are a potent co-operator and have ideas, we are open for suggestions. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

More detailed info can be found here.


Check out some of our favourite sailing fabrics with cool logos that place you right in the hearth of the yachting community! We can also customize logos for your events or trips. Get yourself dressed for the occasion! You find all you need here.


Hanko Regatta 2017

“Kiitos upeasta purjehduksesta. Vene on mielettömän hieno, miehistö on taitava ja he ovat sosiaalisesti rentoja ja kivoja tyyppejä. Itse purjehdukseen sai osallistua omien taitojensa ja innostuksensa mukaisesti – myös neuvoja sai, jos osoitti niitä kaipaavan”. -Ira K.

Season 2017

Dokk is reselling Eira and our customers have nothing but praise for both the boat but in particular for the customer service and ambiance created by skipper Sebastian and the rest of the crew. Highly recommended. -Håkan M.

Week charter 2017

”Ten out of ten” -Tony C.

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